Jira integration security FAQ
Does the integration work with Jira On-premise?
Yes, the integration works with both cloud and on-premise installations of Jira.
Can any Jira account be paired with Draft.io?
Yes, no specific attribute or configuration is required for a Jira account to be associated with Draft.io.
What Jira tickets are available on Draft.io?
Every ticket that is accessible from the Jira account can be fetched from the Draft.io in-app Jira panel.
Is there a way to restrict tickets accessible in Draft.io?
Yes, by pairing a Jira account with limited access to tickets.
Where are Jira tickets stored?
Only the Jira tickets that are added to drafts are stored on Draft.io servers. Tickets reachable from the Draft.io in-app Jira panel are fetched on the fly and not stored by Draft.io.